Scholar Research Directory / Corporate Social AdvocacyCorporate Social Responsibility

Measuring the Influence of ‘Corporate Social Advocacy’ Communications on Consumer Purchase Intention (2013)

Melissa Dodd, Dustin Supa

This pioneering research examines the relationship between consumer purchase intention and a newly conceptualized dimension of corporate social responsibility: corporate social advocacy (CSA). CSA refers to recent public stances taken by organizations regarding socialpolitical issues. This pseudo-experimental research presented participants with one of two potential organizational statements reflecting either an anti- or pro-stance toward gay marriage. Participants then responded to theory of planned behavior items (attitude toward the behavior, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms) aimed at the dependent purchase intention variable. This approach in combination with additional measures of CSA provided strong support for a predictive relationship between CSA and consumer purchase intention. Implications for the public relations profession are discussed.