Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership
Resources and Links
Penn State Ethics Programs
The Rock Ethics Institute
The mission of the Rock Ethics Institute is to promote ethical awareness and inquiry in the University and in the public and professional sectors by supporting curricular innovations designed to improve moral literacy across the University curriculum, building collaborative research projects around ethically based initiatives, and encouraging public dialogue on ethical issues. -
The Arthur W. Page Center
The Page Center is a research center dedicated to the study and advancement of ethics and responsibility in corporate communication and other forms of public communication.
University Ethics Centers
Ohio University Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics
The Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics promotes the application of techniques for making principled ethical decisions in an ever-changing world. Great resources for students and faculty alike.
The Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University
The mission of the Center for Business Ethics is to give leadership in the creation of organizational cultures that align effective business performance with ethical business conduct. It endeavors to do so by the application of expertise, research, education and a collaborative approach to disseminating best practices.
University of Montana Center for Ethics
The Center for Ethics is charged with conducting responsible moral discourse concerning both societal ethics (e.g., the values that inform health, economic growth, education, and conservation policies) and the ethical practices of a wide range of professionals (e.g., public administrators, business managers, health workers, teachers). The Center's functions include ethics inquiry and education (to be achieved through courses, public lectures and conferences, professional development workshops, and a resource center) and funded research.
Illinois Institute of Technology Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions
Posted by the Illinois Institute of Technology, this site offers over 850 different codes of ethics indexed by professional category.
Santa Clara University Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
A wide range of studies - business, government, character, etc. ethics.
Emory College Center for Ethics
Excellent site for theoretical and applied ethics.
The W. Maurice Young Center for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia
The mission of this center is to bring moral philosophy into the public domain by advancing research in applied ethics, supporting courses with a significant ethical component and acting as a community resource.
Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Center's broad research focus includes global business ethics, corporate governance, social contracts, deception, disclosure, bribery and corruption.
Professional and Non-profit Ethics Sites
Ethics Updates
An excellent resource—arguably the best out there—geared for students and ethics instructors, alike. Includes pages on ethical theory, case-based social issues (i.e. controversial issues—abortion, race, animal rights, etc.), and an excellent resource section including case studies, classic texts in ethics, videos and books, and other resources.
The American Society of Newspaper Editors
Has links to the ethical codes of about 30 newspapers and news organizations.
The Poynter Institute (Page on Ethics)
Great resource for journalists and students, all around—everything from decision making to interviewing and how they should be conducted ethically. Includes a regularly published article on journalistic ethics, which is very interesting.
The Ethics Resource Center
Very interesting organization with lots of publications put out by them. Their site has great resources, including an extensive reading list of both books and articles, links to other organizations, and many other resources at online.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Lists guides for ethical broadcasting standards in public radio.
The First Amendment Center
Has several resources for students, teachers, and researchers on ethics, mostly focused around journalistic ethics related to the First Amendment.
AEJMC Media Ethics Division
A good resource of research abstracts, a newsletter, and an online listing of courses that deal with ethics in journalism.
Independent Press Councils
This site contains the largest collection of press codes of conduct in the world. And the site is dedicated to media accountability systems (M*A*S), first among which are press councils. Lists codes of ethics for 370 organizations, mostly in countries other than America.
Business Ethics Magazine
Quarterly magazine dealing with ethical issues in the business world. Ranks 100 best corporate citizens. Looks at scandals and solutions. Social and corporate change through the business world.
The Ethics Officer Association
The Ethics Officer Association is a non-consulting, member-driven association exclusively for individuals who are responsible for their company's ethics, compliance, and business conduct programs.
Business Ethics Balance
Provides business ethics consulting, business ethics training, and speaking engagements on relevant themes. Provides a clearinghouse for business ethics research, and analysis; Business Ethics course development to colleges, universities and schools in the central Pennsylvania area.
Public Agenda Online
Public Agenda is a nonpartisan, nonprofit public opinion research and citizen education organization based in New York City. It was founded in 1975 by social scientist and author Daniel Yankelovich and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. The two-fold mission of Public Agenda is to (1) Help leaders better understand the public's point of view on major policy issues and, (2) Help citizens better understand critical policy issues so they can make their own more informed and thoughtful decisions.