A student smartly dressed in a blue blazer and button-down talks with a recruiter at a job fair.

Internships and Career Placement

The internship program offers students the opportunity to sharpen their professional skills under the critical eyes of practitioners, to relate their education in the arts and sciences to communications professions and to explore career interests.

The Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications encourages undergraduate students to complete internships, multiple internships if possible, to help prepare them for careers in the field of communications.

Internships represent a vital part of the proven approach that the Bellisario College utilizes to help prepare students for success. That combination of classroom instruction, campus media opportunities and career preparation provides a well-rounded experience for students. Plus, a dedicated, three-person staff focuses exclusively on internships and career placement in the Bellisario College.

During internships students get hands-on real life experience, opportunities that allow them to better understand potential careers -- enabling them to confirm their intended plans or learn more about a field in a manner that's simply not possible through experience limited only to the classroom.

Internship Program

Through COMM 495, the Bellisario College offers internship opportunities with advertising agencies, broadcasting outlets, public relations offices, magazines, media entities and many other communications-related companies and organizations.

For details about the internship process, our list of more than 4,600 approved internship sites and more, please visit the internship information page. 


This is a new opportunity for Bellisario College students to gain short-term, project-based learning experiences as a precursor to full-fledged internship experiences. Students are encouraged to consider these opportunities. Please follow this link for more information.

Career Development and Support

The Office of Internships and Career Placement offers a variety of support, including in-person appointments, mock interviews, resume reviews and much more. To view the options, CLICK HERE.

Nittany Lion Careers

A one-stop resource for students and recent graduates. For student scheduling with our Bellisario College team, these options are available:

  • a 30-minute appointment for a quick check-in or resume review;
  • a 60-minute appointment for an internship meeting or writing a resume; or
  • a 90-minute appointment for a senior career meeting with Assistant Dean Bob Martin.

1) Instructions for Scheduling an Appointment
Visit Nittany Lion Careers to Login

Job Fairs

The Office of Internships and Career Placement conducts three communications-specific job fairs each year. All three — JobExpo.Comm on campus, Success in the City in New York City and COMM Careers in the Capital in Washington, D.C. — are specifically for Bellisario College students.

  • COMM Careers in the Capital / Washington, D.C. 
    Nov. 13, 2024 / Marriott Marquis
Beyond Spots & Dots logo
  • Success in the City / New York City
    March 21, 2025

Alone or in combination, the events provide valuable opportunities to connect students with internships or job openings.


Appointment are scheduled through Nittany Lion Careers. Options for the Bellisario College are 30-, 60- or 90-minute sessions.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Instructions for scheduling an appointment.)

Drop-Ins: 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays: Bob Martin, Zoom or in person
1-2 p.m. Thursdays: Julie Miller, Zoom or in person.

Office Location

208 Carnegie Building

Larger Map // Park: On Campus, Downtown