Blog Archive for Fake News Category

Laura Lemon

Building a compass to navigate (mis/dis)information – Scholar Q&A with Laura Lemon

June 11, 2024

For communication professionals, misinformation and disinformation are serious threats that can have long-lasting implications. Unfortunately, there is a critical gap in applying an ethical framework and a lack of training resources for handling false information. A team of scholars from the University of Alabama is conducting a study to identify ethical standards that will help practitioners prepare and react… More

Frank Dardis

‘A video game to increase literacy of health misinformation’ by senior research fellow Frank Dardis

October 20, 2022

The phrase “misinformation on social media,” unfortunately, has become quite common and outright mundane in modern times.

As we all know, with unlimited posts and threads running in all directions simultaneously, there are limitless possibilities for all the directions, angles, and paths that the countless lines of communication can take. And of course, once all that occurs, it… More

CSR Research with Linwan Wu and Holly Overton

Native CSR advertising effectiveness depends on persuasion recognition

January 7, 2022

By Linwan Wu, University of South Carolina and Holly Overton, Penn State University

Are native advertisements effective for communicating a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts as a crisis response strategy? Results from a series of Page Center-funded studies we conducted about native CSR advertising suggest that it depends on whether or not individuals are able to recognize the… More

Fan Yang and Holly Hott

Understanding corporate misinformation and the spread of environmental issues on social media

May 28, 2020

By Fan Yang, University at Albany, SUNY, and Holly Overton, University of South Carolina

Why do people share misinformation, especially when they know it may not be true? How do companies’ efforts to combat misinformation impact individuals’ trust in media sources?

We conducted a series of studies about the psychology behind the spread of misinformation about environmental… More

Fight Fake News

Preparation, transparency among keys to fighting fake news crises

December 2, 2019

By Nahyun Kim, Page Center graduate student

Fake news has become a real concern for corporations. When fake news about a company goes viral, it is recommended that the company actively engages in refuting the fabricated information to defend its reputation.

To help prepare rapid and effective corporate responses to fake news, a recent study, “Listening… More
